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Leadership Intel©

Leadership Intel© is being in the know of what leaders who achieve
extraordinary do differently. When you join a program that offers these
insights, you also learn and network with other leaders equally invested. To learn more, click below to ask any questions you have with Carole.

carole stizza of relevant insight


Join the Leadership Intel© Team 


Gain access to a community of emerging leaders equally committed to developing their skills and knowledge with the support of others and a coach. 

Weekly Group Call

Each week, members will discuss the materials and research assigned and determine how best to implement this knowledge into their daily work goals.

Weekly 30-minute 1:1 Coaching Session with Carole

Everyone has unique work goals, challenging teammates, and individual hurdles. Individual coaching offers supplemental, confidential space to work through unique challenges and celebrates progress in implementing new leadership skills and strategies.

carole stizza sitting at a table writing

Meet Your Coach,Carole

Carole is an executive coach, author, and speaker with over 20+ years of experience within human resource and leadership roles. Carole focuses on helping you explore what sets you apart from other leaders and defining your next steps—all so you can lead with more influence. Carole has been featured in MSN, recognized as a Top 20 Leadership Coach in 2023 by HR Tech, and as one of the Top 10 Coaches to Watch in 2023.

The Leadership Intel©:

How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen 

Leadership can feel like a tricky position. And most organizations are tired of investing in programs with little return. This program offers practical, real-world advice backed by global research that can be immediately applied, repeated, and built upon as more coworkers attend. This program is designed to help an organization build a culture of leadership.

Originally designed for emerging leaders, this research has been widely embraced by established leaders for its application to their success, especially when mentoring and developing future leaders in organizations.

The Leadership Intel© program introduces a textbook to keep and reference, a Leadership

readiness assessment, a strength assessment, a positive intelligence assessment, and a leadership 360 if applicable to their role.

  • The Leadership Readiness assessment allows the attendee and their direct leader to identify which areas of leadership the attendee has already attained and which sections represent new growth potential.

  • The strength and positive intelligence assessments reveal where each individual adds value at work and what holds them back.

  • The Leadership 360, if applicable, offers insights into the 11 reactive leadership characteristics to outgrow and the 18 leadership characteristics to lean into.

The Leadership Intel© program offers all attendees new challenges and experiments to bring back into their work and teams. Upon completion, each attendee returns with a customized individual report of what they aim to add to their professional development plan, including what and how it will be measured for successful implementation.


Investment & Commitment

Time: Each Leadership Intel© cohort is a twelve-week journey over 4 months
(to accommodate holidays) and culminates in significant leadership development.

Investment: The value is worth over $15k, the current cost is $6k and there are discounts available for companies sending more than one candidate per cohort.

Be in the Know with Leadership Intel© 

Schedule a call with Carole. You will learn more about the Leadership Intel© program details, applicable discounts, and when the next cohort is scheduled.

Carole can guide you in understanding exactly how your participation will
ignite your skills, passions, and future leadership potential.

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