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Writer's pictureCarole Stizza

Pumpkins Have Thick Skin - Do You?

What would it be like to hit Q1 of next year with excitement?


Leadership Resilience is exactly what is needed in Q4 to prepare you for Q1 and not suffer burnout, malaise, or renewed frustrations. But it takes some thick skin, strategy, and time set aside to think through exactly what you want Q1 to look and feel like - FIRST. How do you do that when life is picking up speed faster than the weather changing? If it were easy, it wouldn't be a topic of discussion.

Q4: When leaders wish they could clone themselves!

How do you make it easier?


1. Decide what you want! Then, prioritize self-reflection by setting aside dedicated time each week to check in with where you are at. This helps you stay focused and identify challenges early.


2. Develop a Growth Mindset and embrace challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. This perspective shift can help you maintain positivity and motivation in the face of adversity.


Remember, if plan A doesn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters. Stay cool!


3. Find your People! Surround yourself with mentors, peers, and team members who can offer different perspectives and support. Don't hesitate to lean on this network for advice or encouragement.


4. Practice responding to stressful situations. Pre-think and practice to maintain emotional balance and clarity of thought.


Warning: Stress management may cause decreased coffee consumption and increased smiling. Proceed with caution!


5. Make sure your goals can be reached. Break down your Q1 vision into manageable, achievable goals. This approach helps prevent overwhelm and allows for celebrating small wins along the way.

Preparing for Q1 Success


1. Get Brutal and Conduct a Q4 Review. Assess what worked well and what didn't in the past quarter. Use these insights to inform your strategy for the upcoming year.


Q4 Review: Where we realize our New Year's resolutions were more like New Year's suggestions.


2. Close your eyes, what do you see? Visualize your ideal Q1 scenario. What does success look like? How does it feel? This exercise can help crystallize your goals and keep you motivated.


3. Build in Flexibility. Create a roadmap for Q1 but build in flexibility to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. This balance between structure and adaptability is key to resilience.


Your Q1 plan should be like a good pair of yoga pants: structured yet flexible!


4. Run the Fire Drills! Prepare your team for the challenges ahead by fostering open communication, providing necessary resources, and encouraging their professional development.


5. Make Time for YOU! Your well-being is crucial to your leadership effectiveness. Prioritize activities that recharge you, both personally and professionally.


Self-care isn't selfish. It's like putting your own oxygen mask on first – except instead of oxygen, it's Netflix and ice cream!


By taking these steps, your resilience grows, which can help you navigate Q4 and enter Q1 with more energy. Remember, building resilience is an ongoing process. Like a pumpkin developing its thick skin, it takes time and consistent effort. But the results are well worth the investment.

Be like this pumpkin: tough on the outside, full of seeds of potential on the inside!

What steps will you take today to start building your leadership resilience?


Leadership Resilience is a Key in Successful Leadership - pay attention to this now and it will prove to be worth your time. To connect and discuss this further, click here to schedule a call with me!

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